Nhằm đảm bảo chất lượng dịch vụ, TotHost sẽ thực hiện bảo trì hạ tầng từ 16:30 - 18:30 ngày 13/05/2024. Trong thời gian bảo trì, VPS TOT K tại CMC IDC (103.70.115.x) sẽ tạm gián đoạn trong vòng 30 - 60 phút. Các dịch vụ khác vẫn hoạt động bình thường. Hết thời gian trên, toàn ...
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To ensure long-term safe and stable operation of the system, TotHost's ISP plans to upgrade the network system at the Data Center. Detailed information about the upgrade plan is as follows:
Location: VNPT Hanoi Data Center
Affected service: VPS TOT K (103.197.x.x và 103.15.x.x) và VPS TOT M
Time: 01h00 - 03h00 Feb 5th, 2024 ...
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Firstly, Tothost would like to express our deep gratitude to all our valued partners and customers who have supported our services throughout the past period.
In order to facilitate transactions and provide service support during the Tet Lunar New Year of the Year of the Dragon, Tothost is pleased to announce the Tet holiday schedule ...
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For TotHost's VPS services, we support changing IP for a fee of 80,000 VND/one-time. To change IP, follow the instructions below:Please note it will be limited to only one first time with users who are blocked by GFW. Step 1: Log in to your TotHost account in CloudGate Step 2: Send a ticket to request an IP change, clearly stating ...
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