Add funds and use credit balance Print

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  • 327

1. How to add funds

Follow steps below to add funds to your TotHost account.

Note: Add funds to your account with us to avoid lots of small transactions and to automatically take care of any new invoices that are generated.

Step 1: Log in your TotHost account on:

Step 2: On menu bar, choose "Billing" and click "Add Funds". Then, you will be directed to "Add Funds" page.

Add funds to your TotHost account

Step 3: Write the amount you want to add, choose payment method, click "Add Funds" button and pay as normal.

how to add funds to TotHost account

Read more: How to check credit balance.

2. How to use credit to pay invoice

When you progress the payment, a part of "Apply Credit" appears. Click the "Apply Credit" button and your invoice(s) would be paid with credit balance.

apply credit to pay

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